I’m an entrepreneur with a bachelor’s in Business Management in Sales & Marketing, and hold experience in Website Development and Design. I enjoy hanging out with friends, drinking homebrew coffee, and playing the piano. I have great friends and family who support what I do, and that’s all I need to satisfy my wants. The experience that I do have is from playing around, tweaking, and just homebound learning. Some of the projects I work on are just solely for experimenting and testing new ideas that pop into my head. If I think it’s actually a good idea, it moves on to the next phase. And that’s where my projects come from, along with the experience I’ve gathered over a couple of years.
I always enjoy a good cup of coffee.
I also enjoy playing piano by ear. I can read sheet music but can not ‘sight read’ it. Meaning I don’t play a song the moment I read it. I also play by chords on the bass. It’s technically almost the same thing. So it was pretty simple to pick up and play.